Friday, April 20, 2012

April 2

Helloo!!! What a beautiful spring day it is today. And this whole week has been just beautiful! Zone conference was amazing, Elder Johnson (an Ameritus general authority) spoke to us and he was SUCH a good speaker! he was hilarious too. and then this weekend GENERAL CONFERENCE!!! So we went to Aldershot (in the Staines zone) because we took Aigars, our Latvian investigator so that the Russian speaking elder there could teach him and then they brought their cantonese speaking investigator so we (Sister Ho) could teach him- it was perfect!! So we went Saturday night and watching hte Saturday morning session (5-7) then went home and then Sunday got up and went for the Saturday afternoon session (1-3) and then the sunday morning session live (5-7) and a member from the Aldershot ward brought all of us missionaries food and we had a big feast inbetween sessions, it was great. I didn't get to hear all of Saturday afternoon session in English, only Elder Holland's which was of course fantastic and then the rest of the session we watched in Cantonese ha ha it was fun BUT I'll look forward to reading the talks in English when the Ensign comes out :D speaking of mom will you send me a copy of the conference engsign when it comes out?  we will get some from the mission maybe in a couple months but htere is a member here (Jean Hearne, have i told you about her before?) that would love a copy! ps did you guys see Elder Archleta singing in the choir in the... Saturday afternoon session? ;) ha ha ha love it. well I'm sorry this is so short and so rushed, I'll write more next week ok? We are going to Windsor again for a big Reading vs. Staines football match today :) i love you guys!

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