Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Not Andi
In my ward there is this really sweet girl who likes to say hi to me on campus and at church and all that jazz... the only problem is that she thinks my name is Andi. I don't know how or when that started, I remember one day walking past her and I thought she was saying "and hi!" or something but come to think of it I think she was saying "Andi, hi!" It's a real problem though, she taught relief society the other day and I wanted to make a comment but I didn't want her to call on me as Andi! Awkward. So... what do I do? The semester is almost over so there is a chance I'll never see her again but in the chance that I do see her, do I say something or do I continue to be Andi for the rest of my life? ... I don't even look like an Andi!


Alisha said...

You look ADORABLE in that hat!!

Lauren said...

haha! If it were me I wouldn't say anything, but thats how I roll. haha. Do what you think is best. Maybe it actually would be a funny story if you told her she would probably get a good laugh!

Jason & Shannon said...

Haha. You are not an andi! That is weird! I have a lady at work who calls me Meredeth (the other girl in the office's name) I told her the first time and she continues to call me Meredeth, it's pretty interesting. I'd just let it go.

B&C said...

haha i basically almost just peed my pants i was laughing so hard...you should wear a hello my name is.. tag haha maybe that would help. I have this lady at work that thinks my name is Heather, so I just don't reply when she calls me that haha!

Olivia.Leta said...

Ha ha Janna, I laughed out loud when I read this. It reminds me of a friends episode. I would probably just let it go. And if you ever do see her again, it will give you a good laugh :)