Friday, May 13, 2011

Week 3 part 2

Yay!! I'm a for reals missionary! ha ha it still doesn't feel like it, it's still so weird. BUTTTTTTTTTT transfer meeting was awesome, it was so much fun and I saw Elder Cross there!! It was realy good to see him and catch up a little bit, and he is training one of my buddies from the MTC! They will be in the heart of London so they are going to have a blast! I however am very very far from London ha ha my first area is (drumroll please!) Exeter!! It's in Southern England in the Plymouth zone (so we will go down to plymouth for zone conferences and such) and we are the Devon district! So yesterday: we drove 5 hours from the MTC to the mission home (right next to the London temple, ps the London temple is fantastic! it is so beautiful and OLD looking! we will get to go through in 3 weeks when we go back for training and such!)
we had a big meeting, got all of our assignments and companions- my companion is Sister Christiensen from Riverton, Utah and she is awesome! She is so much fun and just so sweet! We are going to have the best time. We already have 3 teaching appointments today and we have a BAPTISM on Sunday! His name is Jason and we are going to teach him today and tomorrow as well so he is ready for Sunday but that is going to be so neat to see! Sister Christensen said we have such a good ward here and everyone is so kind so that is really truly comforting to me! Oh and our flat is precious! We have a little kitchen with washer and dryer and a little pretend fireplace that is a little heater thing, then upstairs is our bathroom, our clothes room, and our bedroom :)
I told everyone at the MTC the other night at a testimony meeting we had that i'm embarrassed to share this but when i first opened my call I was a little bit disappointed that I wasn't going to the Provo MTC because all my life driving by it I thought "I want to be in THERE getting ready to serve my mission!" well I can honsetly say the Lord has humbled me and I learn over and over again that the Lord knows me better than I know myself, he knows exactly what experiences I need to have to make me His best servant. I am SO lucky I got to learn of the gospel and feel of the spirit at the England MTC and I know it was the perfect place for me. I can honestly say that I made 41 new friends in such a unique environment where we are all looking towards the same goal- to invite others to come unto Christ! I miss them all already but I am so excited for all the new adventures Exeter will bring!!
This morning during personal study I was reading the end of 2 Nephi and in chapter 28 verse 4 talking about false churches and such in the last days it simply says "and they shall teach with their learning, and deny the Holy Ghost, which giveth utterance." I am so grateful I read that because all the sudden my feelings of inadequacy (spelling? ha ha) were smaller because I know that I felt prepared until sister c said we have 3 lessons tomorrow for reals? what?! all the sudden I felt so unprepared and like I couldn't do it but after reading that... it's ok! Because I know the spirit will help me teach so much more than just my knowledge will. Fewf! :)
Oh so after the transfer meeting we had to drive 4 more hours to our area so we didn't get home until after 11 and then I had to make my bed and we had to plan for today! So... it was a late night and I'm looking forward to bed time tonight but I'm so grateful for all of the opportunities we will have today for me to start teachings!! I just can't wait until I know the members of the ward and until I feel like this is home to me for the moment. Oh BUT so yes it was a bummer we had to drive so much more yesterday and we didn't get home until late but did we drive RIGHT past stonehenge? Yes we sure did! It was right as the sun was setting and I'm not gonna lie I got the coolest picture of it! Ha ha OK President and Sister Shamo- so sweet! It was instantly like we all knew eachother, I love how quickly everyone can feel so loved! Blessings of the spirit man... ha ha Well.... Just know that I am happy, healthy, and loving the work. OH also, I would love to get some letters, real letters because.. they are fun! :)

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