Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Week 3!

Well hello my lovelies! So they are letting us get on right now before dinner because we leave tomorrow morning around 6 aka we have to get up at 5, yikes! Although I wake up at 5 almost every morning because the sun is so bright right in my window, it's beautiful! I get to watch the sun rise every morning :)

Keep writing me ok? It helps a lot. :)

We got to go to the temple again this morning and oh my goodness I had been so excited all week about it and I CANNOT wait till I get to go again. I love the temple SO much. If you are able to go to the temple, do it and do it often!

I love this gospel so much, I can't wait to go tell everyone about it. I can't wait to meet all those cute Brits and hear them yell at me and slam their doors in my face but I especially can't wait for when the Holy Ghost touches their heart and they are able to know for themselves that this is the true church. I love it! Love, Sister Mills!

ps Families can be together forever, what a blessing!! I'm so so grateful for our Savior Jesus Christ and for the atonement so it is possible that we really truly actually literally can be with our families forever! :D I'LL BE IN LONDON TOMORROW!!!

1 comment:

Emily Jacobsen said...

I can't believe that she is going into the field already! What an amazing sister missionary she is already!