Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Week 16

Ok first- happpy birthday jason! from your favorite jamburglar ever!!!!!!
Daysabugs birthday is this month as well...  happy birthday lovely lady!!!
Well we are emailing a little bit later than normal because today we went to Powderham castle!!!! It's in our area and I had no idea that there was even a castle in our area until the Blackham's called us last night and asked if we wanted to go! So us, the Paignton sisters, and the Newton Abbot elders and the Blackhams went and then the Blackhams took us out to lunch after- it was so nice! And the castle was beautiful, so so cool! I'll send pictures as soon as I get that picture box thingy!
Um ok this week I got a package from Marcelle Emily and Jana that they put together before Emily left on her mission and it was amazing!! Thank you so much Marcelle and Jana! Tell Emily thank you as well! It came at seriously the perfect time, all my little black socks have holes in them and i was about to go buy new ones and in the package they sent there were packs of socks!!!! man it felt like christmas! ha ha really it was such a fun little package oh they sent some of that del sol nailpolish where it's clear inside and you go out in the sun it's pink- so cool! the girls in the ward saw yesterday at church and said i have to bring it to church next week so they can borrow it ha ha THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!
Leslie sent me a letter and explained in detail Kelsi Manwaring's wedding reception- it was glorious! Thank you SO much Leslie! Seriously stuff like that is the best. especially hearing about the turnbulls dressing up like white trash hillbillies or something ha ha ha oh that made me laugh. So someone please tell Kelsi and Christian congrats for me and someone send me some pictures! please! ha ha Oh there is a new couple in the ward and the guy reminds me of christian!!!
Well these last few days have been good because we have been teaching a lot! The best way to get used to how someone else teaches is just actually teaching with them! ha ha so it's been really good. We have also had a lot of our investigators tell us really personal things they need help with so that was amazing to see how quickly they felt comfortable with Sister Fekete. It's amazing how the work just continues no matter what. Missionaries move in and out but the work just keeps moving forward. His truth is marching on! In the rain, in the sun, in the wind, in the rain... ha ha His truth is marching on. :) Oh by the way England had its one week of summer last week. It was well hot! But now it's nice and cool and rainy again. ha ha
Dad you told me I should write a little something that they can put in the ward newsletter, it's probably too late but something I have been thinking about lately as I've been working with our ward here and seeing how a ward really runs (it's so cool to see and understand the behind the scenes!) is how AMAZING our ward is at home. I always love so much when dad writes home about different random little things that have happened in the ward like when Brother Brown helped someone's father off the stand one day after he bore his testimony and other members just going the extra mile because that's simply what they do and who they are. I love it! I love the term "our ward family" well in the Sunset Heights 3rd ward, it truly is a family and I am so grateful for it. Thank you dad for sending me those little things, keep sending those little moments to me. And thank you to I think Sister Whitney? For sending me the ward newsletter every month- that is so fun!!
Well tonight we are going to teach our dearest darlingest Martyn. He has a baptismal date but is still apprehensive about it. Please please pray for Martyn. He is so wonderful and is going to do amazing things for this ward here!!
Ok a few of my favorite things:
*new cds mom- seriously thank you. that newest cd is amazing we listen to it non-stop I had just been telling Sis. C about Kalai and Alex Boye so it was so perfect that they were both on this cd! ps there is a cd that kalai has that is all hymns... i would LOVE that cd sometime :)
*There is a chap in the ward called Bro. Koczaban and when he says the sacrament prayer he sounds JUST like Professor Snape. I'm not even kidding you. ha ha ha
*Opening a new box of copies of the Book of Mormon (see how i dodged the books of mormon vs. book of mormons fiasco there? ;))
*They call sprinkles "hundreds and thousands" here :) how cute!
*Johnny Lingo... I know I have said it before but I'll say it again. ha ha we are going to watch it with some investigators this week that couldn't come to our fireside night- yes!
*Sister Christensen showed me a picture last week of her cousin in the Brazil MTC and guess who was standing 1 person away from her.... SHAWN WIBLE!!! :) Lex, how are you!? I need to write you lady!
*There is a lady that has been playing the saxaphone on the high street this past week-it's beautiful :)
Olright well I think that's about it for the day. I LOVE YOU! 

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