This is Alexa, Breia, and I all geared up to go to the library!! :) It was pouring rain on Saturday so we all had our umbrellas out even though it's only a 2 minute walk. We got to the library at around 3:30 and we were there until 6:45. We really are college students! We were going CRAZY though! I know that sounds wimpy for all you experienced college students but oh man it was killer for us! Right when it hit 6:00 Alexa looked up all frantically and said to me, "Janna! We are are the LIBRARY on a Saturday night!!!!!!" hahaha :)
Friday was international talk like a pirate day. We took full use of the holiday making up ridiculous jokes that used AARRGGGG in them and making pirate faces. :D Emily and I were in hysterics all day long!!!! ... Literally. My favorite joke would have to be one that Em made up here it goes...
Lexa and I decided to go to the temple on Saturday. We walked to the temple just to find out that they couldn't let anyone else do baptisms because it was too too busy. (p.s. that was the third time I've tried to go do baptisms :S SOMEONE doesn't want me to be at the temple... sheesh!) BUT it was completely worth it because A. we got a cute picture in front of the temple and B. we got a chance to remember how po-dunk Rexburg is. I took a picture from the front of the temple and on the left you can see apartments. When you look to the left you see downtown Rexburg. Lots of houses, stores, BYU-I, etc. When you look to the right you see... absolutely nothing. It's a field of nothingness for miles and miles, literally!! BUT it gets even better. :) When we walked through the gates into the temple we saw 4 people standing there and Alexa said to me, "Maybe there's a wedding!" I replied to her, "Ya right, there's only 4 people out here!" Oh no she was right. Right then the bride and groom walked out of the temple doors. Yay we got to see a bride and groom, I love going to the temple and seeing weddings BUT then we realized what she was wearing. Her dress was a polygamist dress. I'm serious! There was like a hoop at the bottom so it was really wide and bell like at the bottom and the top was all ruffles and lace and poof and turtleneck (heaven forbid any skin shows!!) and she was wearing this gold crown... :) yup. We sure are in Rexburg. :D
Friday was international talk like a pirate day. We took full use of the holiday making up ridiculous jokes that used AARRGGGG in them and making pirate faces. :D Emily and I were in hysterics all day long!!!! ... Literally. My favorite joke would have to be one that Em made up here it goes...
"What is a pirates favorite mode of transportation? .... the cAAARRRRRR" hahahaha it's retarded I know... ok maybe you had to be there. You just have to picture Emily saying cAAARRRRR like a pirate with a hook and all.. just like in the picture. hahaha
Why can't I click on the polygamist picture and make it bigger?! Ahhh, I want to look at her dress! Hehe. And her golden crown.
that dress is baaaaad.
Janna, I'm totally offended by you making fun of my cousin. My great grandma made that dress for our grandmother's wedding and every granddaughter has worn it on her wedding day. The crown is to remind us of our royal heritage. I, for one, am not amused.
po dunk rexburg at its best. :)
i am definatly looking for a pattern for that dress. it is what my dreams are made of. hahahaha
what kind of movies do pirates watch? ones rated rrrrrrrrrrrrr
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