Monday, June 6, 2011

Week 7

The Blackham's are the senior couple in our district and they are FANTASTIC! We love them so much. Sister Blackham is our little mission mum. We hadn't gotten any mail for a week on Friday and then when the Royal Mail man walked by on Friday ready for us to yell at him he slipped an envelope through the slot and we cheered and it was a letter from Sister Blackham to us about the Exeter cathedral here. :) ha ha so I think we are going to tour it today with them and the other sisters in our district.

Oh so did Penny get my birthday package? One thing about packages- Sister Christensen's mom sent her a package for her birthday and IT NEVER CAME!!!!!! We don't know what happened but we think it was stuck at customs because they put that it was worth over £50 but no one told us it was there so we didn't go get it and I think they just sent it back home! So moral of the story is.... don't claim that it's over £50 so I don't have to pay crazy customs fee and so I actually get the package? ha ha Sister Christensen said I better give my voice of warning because not getting mail is bad enough but when you are expecting a huge beautiful package and a month and a half later it's stil not here... not good! ha ha

-Side note I just touched gum under this computer desk and I dry heaved a little bit.- ha ha

SOOOOO I have the coolest story for you. Ready? So we went over to a members house on Friday for a dinner appointment and I was really excited because Sister Christensen said it is the most beautiful ride (and it was!!!!) and when we got there Eileen Hanes (the member) took us to the fish n chips truck and we got some proper fish n chips and it was so tasty mmmm and anyways so we just started chatting and I asked her about her conversion story and anyways she was saying that she has been to Utah since to visit her missionary and she said something about how her missionary is in charge of Aspen Groves and I was like wait a minute what is your missionary's name? ... Glen Parker. WHAT?! Aka Amber Myers dad!!!! So I told her his daughter Amber is in my home ward and she was so excited, it was so neat! So thank you Amber Myers dad for converting our beautiful wnderful Sister Hanes because she is truly an essential member of the Exeter ward and she was able to feed me dinner on Friday because of it :) ha ha it's such a small world in the church.

Well... these were a few of my favorite things this week:

*Witheridge, Tiverton, and Exmouth oh England is so beautiful
*At McDs they are giving out these mini little radio things that play popular songs and there are always kids on the bus that have them and play them over and over so yes these random songs that we don't even know get stuck in our heads ha ha -one of them is by Pixie Lott, it's pretty catchy!
*The overgrown trees that hangover the road like a tunnel everywhere

(This is Shannon, the pictures got out of order so try to figure it out based on these descriptions from Janna)

*The Hewin's family. Peter this little boy and his parents were baptised a few months ago but the wife is having a really hard time with her testimony so we helped them build testimony houses!!!! Jesus Christ is the foundation and we build on that walls that are obey, pray, study the scriptures, and follow the prophet- yay! ha ha and that gives you your testimony roof... it was fun and the kids loved it. Look there is chocolate all over Rebecca's face she loved it so much ha ha

*Next is beautiful Honiton! I forgot to add that into my little list of beautiful places I visited this last week... well we went for dinner and we had about 5 minutes before tea was ready so Chloe said we should go out and try to catch and ride the sheep... ha ha ha we certainly tried but we couldn't catch any sheep so we decided we wanted to catch the chickens instead! Please note all those lovely green bushes all around us, yes that is poison ivy and yes I learned that the hard way ha ha ha but finally....

* I caught one! We borrowed some of the Lewis' wellies to run around in and I wanted to steal them kind of...

*Beautiful Honiton :)

*You know you are a sister missionary when you get massive holes in your tights after wearing them for only 2 weeks... boo!!

*Exmouth!!!!!! This day was SO hot, and you can kind of see all the people at the beach behind us.. :( ha ha but this is our darling Robin Roberts. Robin is a 20 year less active and has been recently coming back to church. The ward had a temple day on Saturday and he was able to go and yesterday he bore his testimony and he said he wants to go through the temple next time he goes and then he wants to do all the work for his siblings and his parents too, he also said I'm back for good!!! :) It was so sweet to hear him say that especially because we went to teach him on Friday and he gave the closing prayer and the spirit was so strong, it was amazing we were all bawlin like babies, and after he finished his prayer and looked at us and looked down and started crying and said I can't believe I stayed away for over 10 years. Why did I stay away. I'm back, I want to be back! Oh bless him. He is so sweet.

That's really something I have been thinking of this past week. It is so frusterating when so many people give these little excuses why they don't want to come to church or why they don't want to be baptised or this and that but really it's just laziness! You KNOW what you need to do, you know what our Savior has done for you and you know what you need to do in return just DO IT! Don't let laziness keep you from your testimony!

* So... we went to tea at Jo's house (a recent convert) and she had her niece, nephew, and a friend over and they were all playing with chalk and Jo thought it would be hilarious to write something on my shirt with her chalk so of course the little kidlets wanted to too... and this is the result, what a beautiful masterpiece!!!! ha ha ha ps the little boy Cam looked SO much like little Zeb!

* Ta da!!! This is Alec Nigel Antony Sims. :) Alec was baptised yesterday and is SO happy! He was so excited for his baptism, he would call us everyday just to talk to us about his baptism. :) He is just so sincere, he always looks you right in the eye and says "y'olright?" ... their lazy way of asking if you are alright ha ha after his baptism he said to Jo, Jo we are all going to be friends forever. :)

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