Wednesday, February 8, 2012

January 2

Hellooooo! Sorry we are just emailing today, Monday was a bank holiday (of course) and we didn't have time on Tuesday and Wednesdays the library is closed! So here we are- emailing on Thursday again. A few items of business:

1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY METTA!!! So how was it? The wonderful week of Metta- how was it celebrated?

2. I got the package from the ward, I don't remember if I said anything but it. was. incredible. Oh my gosh I have never received a package so big in my whole entire life! It was so  perfect. And it doesn't surprise me that for the past week there would be things I told Sister P I needed to go buy (such as deoderant, toothpaste, gum) that was in the package! They had the spirit as they filled that box up of treasures. Oh it was so great. There were things in there that I didn't even realize I missed like Captain Crunch! and Tootsie Rolls! and Apple cider!! (I asked for apple cider once here... ya cider in England is alcoholic ha) and can I tell you we have deoderant here like in America but it is so expensive it's ridiculous! So yes it was perfect. Everything in there has kept me nice and warm. :) 

Well happy new year everyone! We have been sharing this mormon message with people this last week and I think it is so funny- I love it. Take a look!

And the message is so wonderful as well. Genesis 19:17 Look not behind thee. It's a new year, a fresh start! Now that Christmas is over don't forget the Savior, keep looking up with faith. (Like the talk from conference, it is better to look up!) Moving onwards and upwards.

We are still in our lovely little tri in Bracknell and we are having so much fun! Oh pen pen asked what we did for new years- we went to bed at 10:30.... ha ha but we had to come in early so we had an Indian night, we put on sarees and made curry and Sister P told us all about India! And we learned Hindi as well. ha ha it was fun! 

Well I'm going to send a few pictures! yay! I love you guys!

*Jean Hearne gave us a whole chicken that she had eaten a little bit of... and put it in a grocery bag for us to take home ha ha ha
*Sister Gregson aka the drug lord. ha ha this is all the medicine the doctors gave her while she was in the hospital with her kidney stones 
*More tacky American things.

*We went to Nandos and I got a free meal with my Nandos card woop woop!!
*Sister P made curry for district meeting. Mmmm
*So I had given Sister Gregson's Christmas presents to our district leader to take to the office when they went for a leadership conference but she ended up coming here so we had to get it BACK from them... anyways 2 weeks later she finally opened her Christmas pressies :) ha ha 

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